Sunday 4 December 2011

Saudi report: Women driving spurs premarital sex

Today is yet another reminder to never underestimate the ability of truly Islamic countries to do and say something really stupid. This time it came in the form of a report given to a high-level advisory group in Saudi Arabia, suggesting that "Women driving spurs premarital sex" (

The topics of sex in religion in general never ceases to surprise me. God appears to be much pre-occupied with his subjects' sex life, more so than with anything else (second only to his jealousy towards people worshipping  other deities, which is always a bigger "no-no" than sex). God wants to control who people have sex with, sometimes how and when. In the sex department, God typically show little interest prohibiting acts that are unimportant to him, like rapes or child molestation or women coerced into sexual relationship. However, God vigilantly watches you to make sure you whispered that magical sentence that somehow makes the act of intercourse legal to you. In case you had sex without or even before uttering the magical spell that legitimises the act, all-loving God will punish you with Hell fire for forgetfulness.

Fortunately, the West has long shaken off the idiocy of this notion. We moved away from laws written by stone-age misogynistic simpletons that are somehow undergone a metamorphosis into the Word of God over the years with all consequent terrors that it brought down to its countless victims. Unless we elect a God-fearing imbecile like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann or some other worthy follower of Pat "Gays Cause Hurricanes" Robertson to occupy the White  House, we shouldn't fear sliding back to the stone-age absurdity. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has never left it and therefore should not fear going back.

Let's review the "Dos" and "Don'ts" of Islamic views on sex:

It is OK:
  • To be a prostitute and use services of a prostitute
  • To engage in spousal rape
  • To rape 
  • To molest children
  • To participate in orgies

However, please remember that the following is strictly prohibited and punishable by stoning to death:
  • Consensual sex between two adults

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